Tuesday, May 4, 2010

It's all about me!

I like myself... a fair amount, no idea why I don’t spend more time with myself, well I guess I spend all my time with me, but I mean just me. No frisbee, sports, co-workers, friends, attending concerts or any of the random activities I get involved with. Australia made me learn how much I need ‘me time’ in order to feel well balanced. I think I have been getting pretty far away from that lately, with all my activity. This weekend with my work photo shoot getting cancelled at the last minute and because I had to drop out of the frisbee tournament I got a weekend (bulk of Sat/Sun) to myself... so delightful!

I slept in for the first time in months (I think I made it to just after 10am), went to Granville Island to do my shopping, had a coffee by the water, went home watched hockey (I have somehow started to follow the Canucks...I think it’s contagious), had a glass of wine while I baked a ricotta and feta spinach dish and then watched a movie. For the amount of rent I pay you would think I would spend more time actually in my apartment. It was such a nice weekend. I love all of the activity I do but this is the first time I felt like I actually rested on the weekend. Perfect timing as the firsbee summer league starts this week... go go go!

This is a week late...oops

Whenever I think I have thought things through... I clearly haven’t! Saturday mornings endeavour was to pilates class... decided because I currently am the owner of a cankle (fat ankle). In the idea of being good before being bad (exercise pre brunch) we headed into pilates where we proceeded to be encouraged to stand on foam blocks for over half of the class. Apparently our instructor comes from a bit of a martial arts background and learning to balance on a foam block while holding onto a foam roller is an excellent idea. I don’t even know that my balance is that wonderful without a cankle, forget adding in standing on one foot on a foam block. In an impressive act of self preservation and wanting to not get removed from the facility I managed to pull through, not take any of my neighbours out and almost feel like I accomplished something.

At this point, I feel like I am in the clear... really what could be worse? I am now lying on the ground doing abs exercise, the potential of getting myself in a ridiculous predicament significantly reduced. Little do I know that the foam roller isn’t done with us yet. Picture this - a foam roller about the length of my hip to head. We are encouraged to lie on the foam roller, put your legs up into the air and slowly work your way up to only having your elbows on the ground... as you can imagine the sound throughout the room is thud... thud... thud...giggles... thud... my stress levels are high as I wonder if I will crash to the ground possibly kneeing one of petite women to either sides of me. I am not even sure if I was breathing during this endeavour... through some act of God I managed to pull it off without injuring myself or anyone else... a lot more stress than expected when I signed up for pilates class.

It’s only when I feel like I have made a super smart and rational choice does my life turn silly... maybe I should wait until post events before patting myself on the back.