Tuesday, October 26, 2010

What's my password?

I forgot the password to my blog.... what a smack in the face! Clearly I need to update more frequently. The other day Davena sent me a piece of mail mentioning that she read my blog... I forgot I have readers. So... I will do better!

This is the brief update:
•I am working on a list of 28 things to do in my 28th year... the list grows daily. I think it will be hard to do it all but I am going to try. One task is 100 blog posts... so I didn’t forget about you
•I completed this project with work... I’m pretty proud of it http://connectionsforlife.ubc.ca/#okanaganlive
•I just got back from an international recruitment trip in Seattle, loved it! I forgot how much I love recruiting
•I gained 5 lbs on my trip and now the dress that I am wearing at Jill’s wedding (Nov 6th) is kinda tight... I probably shouldn’t think it is so funny, but it kinda is. I love how I look after myself the bulk of the year and a week and a half of laziness and it shows, oops
•I go home to NL in 2 days!! I am so ridiculously excited!
•I am on a big local produce kick... I think it will be a forever thing... but I am currently taking pre and post pictures. I will post a couple! I only get geekier with age
•My nickname on this coast is Foxy...

That is the general idea of my state of life. Things are good. It has turned rainy in Van and I am more than a little sad about it... however I plan on learning to knit so maybe that will keep me occupied.

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