Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The Biggest Event in the World comes to the “The Best Place on Earth”

“The Best Place on Earth” – British Columbia’s slogan… blog article on this to come…

With all of the madness known as the Olympics right around the corner it is hard to figure out what is new with me. I had a hilarious day with Heather and Matt putting together all of my IKEA furniture. I finally have the basics, a bed, dresser, night stand, chair, stool, side table and TV stand!! Woot! It’s nice to have some stuff around me, nothing is really fancy but it is all functional, simple and will eventually look really good once I have a couch and coffee table… really the only two main pieces that are missing. Decorating will probably take an entire year doing it bit by bit, but that’s okay. I think my favourite room may actually be the outside enclosed patio, nice to look out at the city lights.

So, OLYMPICS!!! Tomorrow the torch goes through UBC!! And Friday night is the opening ceremonies. I know a couple of people that have gone to dress rehearsals and the word on the street is that it is going to be pretty good. Unfortunately everyone is sworn to secrecy, but the buzz is all good. On Monday at Frisbee we got to see practice fireworks!

I am volunteering at one Olympic Hockey game, the semi-finals but I won’t know for a while who I will get to see play. There are also heaps of concerts around town. I will make a trip over to the Atlantic Canada house and see Chris Kirby and the Marquee and Wintersleep. I would also love to check out Two Hours Traffic. Wilco is playing at one of the outdoor fields and there is just too much going on to list. It is going to be a really exciting time. I know a couple of people from Newfoundland here for a visit so that will be fun. Other bands I would like to see… Said the Whale, Hey Rosetta! (clearly I have a thing with East coast music), Stars and Ron Sexmith… time to start planning out the next couple of weeks!!
Other random bits of information:

- I have been playing a fair amount of guitar the last couple of months; I’ll post a song or two that I wrote if I get a chance. Warning guitar skills are limited, however some of the songs came together pretty well.
- I am on a weight loss kick. Goal to get toned again, I feel like I have been lagging. Back to frisbee twice a week, spin, yoga and other random activity. I did a great 25k bike ride the other day!!
- I think Jerry Stamp is one of my favourite singers of all time.

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