Friday, November 6, 2009

Yoga, Frisbe, Yoga, Volleyball, Yoga

Day 2: YRide
Definition: Conscious Cardio! An innovative cardiovascular workout that strengthens, lengthens and tones the body by integrating indoor cycling with yoga. All levels.

Quite possibly my favorite class, however I feel like it is somewhat cheating because the amount of yoga is fairly low. I like the idea of getting cardio in if I am going to commit to something for 30 days. However for a Monday this may not have been my idea choice of class. I basically did a pretty intense spin class, had to walk 40 minutes (quite quickly) to Frisbee, play for two hours of turf (so Frisbee with almost no breaks) and then walk home. I think next Monday will involve better planning.

Day 3: Missed class…oops (now I have to double up another day, apparently that still fits in the rules of the 30 day challenge)

In my defense I made an attempt to go but the class was full and I had volleyball to go to.

Day 4: Flow
Definition: An invigorating practice with a focus on core strength, breath awareness and key alignment principles. All levels.

This is what I picture when I think of yoga, it is a bit more mellow than the hot classes. There were about 40 or more people in the class and the bulk of people appear to know what they are doing. I still have to sneak looks around to find out what I should be doing next. I really hope no one looks at me to figure out if they are doing things properly. My movements are getting slightly more fluid but there is still a long way to go. So far the only results, not that I expect any this quickly, are constant pain… but at least that makes me feel like I’m doing something positive for my body.

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