Monday, November 30, 2009

12 yoga classes, 4 frisbee games and a game of Frisbee… I’m happy last week is over!

I am now at the final stages of the yoga challenge! Two more classes to go tomorrow and I will have accomplished my goal. Overall I am not feeling much of a change… the major thing is when I laid out a couple of times in Frisbee I didn’t pull any muscles and my posture has improved. I am no skinner, my skinny jeans fit pretty much the same and I could still stand to lose a couple of lbs. Ah well, at least I have the sense of achievement.

In other exciting news I am now employed by UBC. I begin work on December 7th as the Marketing Communications Specialist for the International Student Initiative. I am really excited, the job sounds amazing, it is a year maternity contract and really I couldn’t have asked for a better opportunity. Never would have guessed things would have worked out THIS well!

Now that I am employed the next goals will be to learn how to snowboard, learn to not hate running… 10km is the goal (I am only good at running after things or away from things) and to get a decent apartment once my sublet is up. I feel like these may be ambitious but I feel more motivated to do things when I post them on my blog. Not sure I would have attempted to complete the yoga challenge if I didn’t post it.

On an interesting note, the singing yoga teacher made a reappearance today… he sang an original this time. While quite beautiful, it was a small class, so I am guessing he saw me unable to hold back my near giggles… must avoid this instructor! Sad part is he is a great teacher and has a great voice, but I am a small child.

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