Saturday, November 13, 2010

I'll get there when I get there

I have been home for five days and have finally unpacked my bags and put away my luggage... it is like I never left...which is sad.

I miss NL already but know that I should be here for the time being. I am not sure I could ever see myself freezing my ass off back in NL but I do love it there. I am certain that it is mainly to do with all of the people that I love in NL. The people that know me the best and remember all of my stupid/hilarious moments are there.

It was a hectic to say the least. Fitting people into hour and a half time slots, trying to catch up with everyone and really only doing an adequate job. I did have a delightful time at the party that Ivany hosted... even though she had to babysit me at the end of the night, out at Moo's curled up on the couch in Terranceville and chilling with Turpin in Placentia in a house I am shocked she hasn't set fire to. Jill's wedding was also lovely... somehow it was 16 degrees and sunny in November! Never saw that coming, it was a perfect ceremony and totally them.

I love the Newfoundland accent, it is delightful. After a week home I sounded like I was from the bay (or so I think). It was excellent, sadly I have lost it already. I love that when walking into the liquor store I overheard a lady on the phone... the conversation went like this "Missus....misses... you called me, right?!? Wah...wah?" It made me delighted to be home.

In one drive on the highway it snowed, rained and was sunny enough to need my sun glasses.

I did feel like the kid of the group as all of my friends are starting to grow up and I am no further forward, still unable to claim where I will live long term. I am happy for them all but I feel like I am on another page. For now I think that is a good thing... I'll get there when I get there.

All and all it was a great trip. Makes my heart hurt that I am missing out on big events and babies growing up but I am where I should be, at least for now.

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